Holiday Hope
Tis the season of gift giving, enjoying good time’s with family and friends. While everyone is enjoying their holiday season I would like you to keep in mind of the women that have/or had that amazing joy that we feel during this time of year stolen from them at the hands of their traffickers…
However, I think what is often forgotten is that Jesus came for the lost and hurting. And one of the things that is often forgotten at Christmas time are those who are trafficked. Why? Because it is a hidden crime. A crime that encompasses so many facets to help a victim become a survivor.
It is easy to remember the homeless. It is easy to remember the animal shelters or women’s shelters because of it being one-dimensional. However, the one thing that is a newly revealed issue, that is sadly overlooked, are the survivors who have been homeless, drugged, beaten, tortured, arrested, criminalized and above all…. trafficked. All of the crimes put on one individual, one deeply pained victim. A hidden and multi-faceted crime and healing process. So while we are still working on building the safe home, there are items that are needed for various needs pertaining to trafficking survivors:
I do have to ask that you buy items that you would use yourself. These are survivors that have been devalued and treated as trash. They are NOT second rate citizens, but treasures to be valued and everything we donate to them, we want to show them just how valuable they are.
- women’s clothing (various sizes) gently worn or new
- junior miss clothing (various sizes) gently worn or new
- baby clothing (various sizes) gently worn or new
- baby items (new)
- gift cards for gas
- gift cards for Walmart, Aldi’s, etc (grocery stores)
- laundry detergent
- travel size products (including nail polish, gloves, hats, lip gloss, hot chocolate, scarves, for gift baskets and Celebrate Freedom ceremonies for survivors – no glass, no dangling earrings or items they could hurt themselves with)
- toilet paper
- paper towel
- shampoo, soap (liquid and bar)
- hygiene products
- and the lists go on and on