Even though I can no longer show the finals on the home (that are still in process), I can show you the bits and pieces that have been started in order to complete the exterior of the home. We are […]
Read MoreYou’ve read before how BRANCH: A New Beginning came into its own. Well let’s discuss the vision further to help inspire you to get involved with our needs. Remember, these buildings are something that I have envisioned for 35+ years […]
Read MoreBRANCH is doing things completely opposite of what the world asks and to be honest, the body of Christ, believes how it should be done. I have been questioned, challenged, and basically told I’m doing it incorrectly in developing BRANCH: […]
Read MoreThis may seem like a duplicate article or a drum that gets beat once too many times, but I cannot begin to explain enough how God must be in the center of our lives. Also the fact that as frustrating […]
Read MoreThe BRANCH Trailer BRANCH has come to rely on being green in order to help start raising funds. So every day I am handling recycling to help the cause. Each week I have my hands on approximately 6,000 to 9,000 […]
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