Shari’s Story: A Survivor Speaks from iEmpathize on Vimeo. Two American teens are targeted at their high school by a trafficking ring. They were kidnapped to be prostituted at motels, strip clubs, the internet, and truck-stops. One trucker’s call to the police not only […]
Currently, only 1% of the 300,000 U.S. victims of sex trafficking are rescued. Jessica Midkiff is one of those survivors and recently, she spoke about her life in forced prostitution. This story is extremely eye-opening and give us a vital […]
Clemmie remembers Super Bowls quite differently than most americans. Big events such as the SuperBowl are also breeding grounds for trafficked victims. Clemmie endured forced prostitution for years before having the courage to call the number on a help card. […]
As a child, Jaycee was abducted and spent the next 18 years being held in a back yard. Once again, we see how many times her captor should have been caught and the atrocities stopped, but rescue evades Jaycee time […]
Dear BRANCH Supporters, Thank you for your prayers. As always keep that previous prayer list at your side. We are in constant need of that throughout this journey. As we receive answers to prayers, we are going to share those […]