The Mission for BRANCH Still Remains….
First I wanted to let everyone know that the website is going to be having some work done on it. We’ve had some problems on the event page. So the best suggestion I can make is to visit our Facebook page for more up-to-date information on events and happenings or email us at admin@branchanew and in the subject line put “SUBSCRIBE” and you will be added to our bi-monthly newsletter. I will try and keep everyone posted about changes.
Secondly, I would like to let you know how we are adding a new aspect to BRANCH and that is with our all natural pet line. It may seem like we are deviating from the goal of BRANCH, but far from, we are just diving in to help survivors even further. We will be adding more about this to our website, but let me give you a synopsis. I have been working with a naturopath for the past two years on my own health. I have started working with a few people involved with BRANCH to see the effects of how God’s earth provides healing for the body by getting to the root cause. It is something that we are going to work on incorporating into our process when we have residents. I also have a German Shepherd that has been on a natural path all her own and she will be going to school to work with survivors down the road. So I am incorporating all of these aspects together into an all natural product line, in partnership with our newest partner “1:2 FOR U All Things Natural Healing Plan”.
It is a bizarre journey, but one that I am confident is going to benefit BRANCH on many different tiers. So make sure you check out our Etsy store and on Ebay for our products. Help us continue the journey to build and provide safe and “healthy” restoration for those who come to BRANCH.
Lastly, we are discontinuing our recycling program. Payouts have really tanked and it has not been worth the effort to proceed. We have a few metal exceptions that you can contact us about, but other than books, we are no longer taking any materials. Locations that have bins or have been collection points, will no longer be taking our items. With any new changes, it is hard to change course, but I feel that God is opening new opportunities through our all natural pet line and I am never afraid to to do anything new if it comes to moving us closer to helping survivors. Even though it may seem a bit odd, God is never typical in how He does anything and we are in this for the ultimate goal…..