Revisiting Long and Boring
When I talked about long and boring before, it was with regard to the task of recycling. It still is long and boring, but over the past year I have watched God work. You may not think it is miraculous but I do. This has been a ministry inside of what BRANCH: A New Beginning is supposed to be doing. An offering of cardboard and paper. Technically it’s our form of currency to help build a house to help trafficked victims. So when we are praying for increase, God is doing just that.
Many people might say, “When God when?” and stop working towards what they have been whispered to by God. The goal is not coming like they expected. I know often I’ve wondered the same thing. Now that a year later we are doing six times more a week from how we originally started (350 lbs to 2,500-3,000 lbs) I do not question the God of more than enough.
When I look at how sore I am handling thousands upon thousands of pounds of recycling a week, and doctors and therapists stand in awe I’m not in worse shope or have other injuries, that just reconfirms for me, the goodness of God in this entire process.
So I was reading this article entitled, “From Noise to Music” from Bible Study Magazine and it just clicked to me and I want to share this portion of the article with you.
When God provides us with gifts or reveals our calling, our response should be to fall more in love with Him. But often, we fall in love with the gift or vision instead. We forget that it’s not about where God is taking us; it’s about Him. We may feel that we know who we are and what we’re all about, but we know nothing if we don’t know God.
We are called to glorify Him in everything that we do. He gives us the talents, the gifts, the vision, and the anointing to accomplish great things. It does not matter how crazy it seems to the world. This is about falling in love with Him deeper and deeper. Do you know the song?
Yes I am learning how to fall in love with Him in the craziest methods possible. The question becomes, are you following God’s call? Are you learning to fall in love with Him in the midst of it all or is it becoming about you?