6/15/14 Update
I wanted to give you a little tour of before and after. Now that the upstairs and main floor demolition is completed (minus bathroom and part of kitchen), here’s what a little progress looks like.
The pictures are deceiving. White paint hides a multitude of sins in pictures. The rooms were not as nice as they looked. Everything had a very small feel to it because of how closed in it was.

This is the kitchen. Very small. Cabinets falling apart. Once wall is gone behind stove, the new kitchen will expand into that back bedroom along with a great dining area. Will provide plenty of room to eat as a “family”.

This is from the kitchen looking into what was the old dining room. White hides a multitude of sins in these pictures. That old dining room will not expand into a larger living area with the front living room.

Standing in the dining room, looking into the living room. This will now be one big living area (we hope).

Heading up the stairs this is a landing that has a small closet. Not sure how this will change yet. Should be pretty cool though.

Small closets that exist upstairs, but with the way the floor plan is opening up with individual spaces these will no longer exist.

This is upstairs looking from the back room towards the front of the house. A lot of lost space up here. This will be opened up to be an open floor plan and some how prepare for children when they come with their mothers.

This is from the main floor walking to the landing to go outside. Again, staircases may open up to give it a more welcoming feeling and not so tight.

When you first come down the basement stairs this is what you see. It smells. The ceiling has very hazardous lights built into the ceiling that are very old. This whole area will become an activities area along with a full bathroom and laundry room down here.

This is the bathroom in the basement. It is basically paneling with a shower liner in it. On the other side of the shower is the furnace. Not a real good place for either.

This is looking out from the bathroom to the rest of the basement. This is going to be an activity spot in the home as well as children friendly.
Everything but the basement and main floor bathroom and rest of kitchen has been demolished. To see the incredible space in this home is absolutely amazing!! When the two-floor addition is built, it is going to make the upstairs sleeping area incredible. This whole house is going to be an amazing place for victims to come and receive not only safety but peace during the restoration process! God is so faithful!

This is between the kitchen and dining room. Behind the oven wall is a back bedroom. This is where the kitchen is going to be extended along with nice dining area. The bathroom will be moved to where the old back bedroom is on the right. The addition will be behind these two bedrooms and bathroom as the master suite for the “care takers”.

Living room now looking into the dining room (where the window is). This will become one large living space. Possibly emergency rescue room squeezed in. Not sure as yet.

This is from the upper level coming down to the main floor. It used to be a closet on the landing, but I don’t think so anymore.

The staircase to the upper level bedrooms. Good thing walls came down. Found a small patch of mold that could have been a huge problem down the road.