13th Apr
Red Flags to Watch For
Here are some indicators to identify if minors are being trafficked. Remember this hits EVERY economic status and no one is exempt. If you know of anyone who works in the hotel industry, these are things that may also help identify a victim.
- False ID/lying about age
- Signs of physical abuse
- Disappearing/running away frequently
- Different men coming in and out of a room frequently
- Same girl with different men
- Lots of keys in purse (probably motel keys)
- Recurring STI’s
- Numerous school absences
- Expensive cars in low-end motels
- Young girls with revealing clothes
- Name tattooed on neck, chest or arm
- Girls being dropped off at a hotel
- On drugs or drunk
- Girls not familiar with the area
- Young girls with older men
- Controlling, older boyfriend
- Girl with belongings in plastic bag or no luggage
- Lots of cash
- Frequent pregnancy tests/abortions
- Inability to speak on own
- Fearful, withdrawn, anxious
- Hotel rooms paid with cash, have drug items, lingerie or sex items
- Several girls staying long term at hotel
Make sure if you see anything suspicious, please call the National Trafficking Hotline Number at: 1-888-3737-888