Crazy Quarters Event Fundraiser
Crazy Quarters
When: Thursday, October 1st
Time: 6pm Doors Open
Where: Fraser Lions Club, 34540 Utica Rd, Fraser 48026
What is Crazy Quarters? Crazy Quarters is a mix of bingo and an auction. It sounds difficult, but it really is super easy! An advanced ticket gets you 4 paddles to bid with. Your favorite vendors (Tupperware, 31, Clever Container, Avon, etc) put items up for auction. Your paddles (are numbered) and represent 4-quarters. Use those numbered paddles to bid on the items up for auctions. The numbered paddles have corresponding chips that go into a barrel that the numbers are drawn from.
When an item is put up for auction, the vendor will tell you if it is a one or two quarter bid. Then you choose how much you want to spend for that auction. One paddle = 1 quarter; two paddles = 2 quarters; three paddles = 3 quarters; four paddles = 4 quarters.
Numbers are drawn until a paddle number that is actively up for bid is called, then that person wins the item up for auction. You can purchase your tickets straight from our website or on our Facebook page. If you missed the last event, you missed a really fun time and a very successful evening!