6/15/14 Update
I wanted to give you a little tour of before and after. Now that the upstairs and main floor demolition is completed (minus bathroom and part of kitchen), here’s what a little progress looks like. Before The pictures are deceiving. […]
Read More6/11/14 Update in Pictures
Just wanted to show you that while I am waiting for the architect to do the modified changes to the addition, they have decided to do the demolition on the interior while we wait. It was an incredible surprise since […]
Read MoreJust a Few Pictures
Even though I can no longer show the finals on the home (that are still in process), I can show you the bits and pieces that have been started in order to complete the exterior of the home. We are […]
Read MoreThe Vision Extended
You’ve read before how BRANCH: A New Beginning came into its own. Well let’s discuss the vision further to help inspire you to get involved with our needs. Remember, these buildings are something that I have envisioned for 35+ years […]
Read MoreBackwards Logic
BRANCH is doing things completely opposite of what the world asks and to be honest, the body of Christ, believes how it should be done. I have been questioned, challenged, and basically told I’m doing it incorrectly in developing BRANCH: […]
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